Star Wars Celebration 2015

If anyone is going, I’ll be there every day (mornings on th & f, afternoon sat & sun), demo-ing and showing off my previous game, Star Wars : Commander. Drop by and say hi, we’ll be at booth #1345

Though not Unity related news, Battlefront will make it’s debut across the from us. STAR WARS™ Video Games - Official EA Site

Argh stop. It’s too soon to get hyped up for the new sw film! I need it so badly.


New battlefront looks awesome. The original is still one of my favourite games.

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So… half way done with the show, and it has been freaking amazing. We had several panels, tons of interview, ect. All that stuff was just great.

However, the most enjoyable and biggest suprise to me was dealing the players. Like every game, various channels to communicate with users. (forums/chat/mail/ect) But those pretty much a selfselected groun. By giving player a change to walk up and talk with us, it is wider group. A player who loves the game may never post in the forums or facebook or whatever. But that same player getting meet the creators, in a place he is already in, well, if the love the game, they will tell you. And that what it has largely been, tens of thousands of players coming up and they love the game, taking our pictures and even signed several autographs. Lots of great questions, and players waiting in line to talk to us were sharing strategies with each other.

Its a real spirit boost to hear the love that is usually silent or unsaid. Very passionate players. It really does wonders for the spirit.

Also in case you folks missed it BattleFront has been rocking the show with gameplay. trailer:

It is awesome to play, it really hits all the right notes is freaking amazing.

Also, I got a tattoo.


Can I see the tat? dead curious


Looking forward to playing it. I hope they got the space ship controls right, was a bit of a mission to fly in the original. But it looks amazing.

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I’ll post when get back to my Mac. Basically I wanted something tough, real badass and intimidating. So I got a lego r2d2.


I have only flown a little but it is pretty great. A buddy of mine has been doing almost nothing but flying, he was saying the flight part was strong enough to be its own game.

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Awesome. I loved the aerial combat of the original. But without hours of practice you would fly into the ground or off the battle field nine times out of ten.

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if anyone of you have an interest in 3D printing… I caught this episode, where Nerdgasm is going to do a future series showing a step-by-step “print a storm trooper” costume…

(my sons and I want one)