
Hello. Today I would like to show a single picture of my latest project - StarDust. This is an exploration game which uses colors in order to display depth. As you can see, it has been mainly inspired by some Lidar games like Scanner Sombre. At first, it was my entry for the latest LudumDare - the 54th. Progressively I improved the particle system using VFX graphs. At this stage, it is not really a game, but instead a big technical demo including a lot of features. You can test it by downloading the release on my page. Any feedback will be appreciated. Thank you. I wish you the best ++


Love that visual style! :slight_smile:

The polygonal weapon model feels out of place because of the style. Maybe consider making that lowpoly, flatshaded and/or even wireframe.


Hello CodeSmile. I said to myself the same things. Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate your words. At this stage, this is just a technical demo - not a final render. Wireframe is a good idea too. It could create a solid weird sci-fi mood. I wish you the best ++


I agree with CodeSmile. The environment is great! The weapon doesn’t fit!

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Thanks carking1996 for sharing your point of view. I made an option in-game allowing to set textures or not. The weapon is wireframed now ++

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Hello. Just a few words to say that StarDust is always under development and I made many updates since the first release. There is another player controller - smoother and many other improvements. If you want to try a cool exploration game with an unusual aesthetic, a technical demo is available for free on ++