that coroutines make me sleepless ,need help
i have a list of points i want first coroutine to move a gameobject for every point in the list when finished
start other coroutine but backward of the list until i=0 ,and repeat ect. here is some script
void Start(){
IEnumerator forward(){
for( int i=0;i<points.Count;i++)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);*
IEnumerator backward(){*
print("in 2");*
for( int i=points.Count;i>=0;i--)*
_ transform.localPosition=points*;*_
* yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);*
* }*
* print(“leave 2”);*
* StartCoroutine(forward());*
* }*
so the second repeat doesn’t start one after one but they run at the same time
thank you .