start function being called every frame

I have this script attached to my game object which inherits from another script called Entities, in this script I add the entities script to my game object (which I read is the same as the regular c# instantiation of the class) then called the initialisation function then print those values to check they’re correct, the problem is that this function is now invoked every frame. Why is that?

public class Player : Entities {

private Player playerObj;

void Start(){
	playerObj = gameObject.AddComponent<Player> ();
	playerObj.Initialise ("Tom", 100, 1, 1);
	print(playerObj.getName() + " " + playerObj.getHealth() + " " + playerObj.getPower() + " " + playerObj.getLevel());

Speculation: GetComponent < Player >: You keep adding the same script which causes the script to re-run.
Did you mean GetComponent < Entities> ()? Also, why is it that you are inheriting from that class?

It sounds like your other script is telling this script to run every frame.

Do you have a command running in an Update() function? as update runs every frame this might be what is causing your script to update constantly.
