Start Method and scene hierarchy

I’m new in unity ev and tried many ways (used to try some options by myself) and I can’t figure out how to set this procedure

→ Start → LoadLevel (Scene) // It works
→ Now if loaded Scene(name) init methods // I’ve done it so
→ Update player position of method
// This part of init wont work like i want it is called from Update and it start as Main_Menu Scene is loaded

This is part of code is connected =

Vector2 pos;
public float slow = 5f;
public float destP;
private float startP;

bool start;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
	pos = transform.position;
	startP = pos.x;
	start = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
	if(start) {
		ToPosAtStart ();

public void ToPosAtStart() {
	if (pos.x != destP) {
		pos.x = Mathf.Lerp (startP,destP,Time.time / slow);
		transform.position = new Vector2 (pos.x,pos.y);
			Debug.Log ("Start is True like life suck is true kappa");

Do you want the transform to slide across to the desired spot or do you want it to start at the desired spot? Youre making it more complex than it has to be.

if you want it to teleport instantly:

public Vector3 desiredStart;
    void Start()
        transform.position = desiredStart;

if you want it to slide:

    bool isSetup = false;
    void Update()
        if (!isSetup)
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, desiredStart);
            if (distance > 0.1f)
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, desiredStart, Time.deltaTime / slow);
            else {
                isSetup = true;