Start() not called on reloading a Scene, only Awake() called - Unity 5

Whenever I load a new scene the ‘first time’ the Awake() and Start() methods of the attached script are executed, as expected. But when I switch to another scene (Application.LoadLevel()) and switch back to my previous scene only Awake() is executed but not Start().

I’ve never experienced such behaviour before Unity5, so is it something new with Unity5 or am I doing something wrong.?

That thing indicates that on your scene load the game object that holds that script is active but the script itself is not.

Now you have 2 options to overcome this:

1)Find out why?

2)Or don’t bother and just add this on awake:

 GetComponent<ScriptThatCallsAwakeOnly>().enabled = true;

Obviously the 1 option is better ))

P.S. Unless you did it on purpose, then just use #2.