startCommand argument variable in method Graphics.RenderMeshIndirect not working?

The documentation says
startCommand --The first command to execute in the command Buffer.

I wrote a code that draws a lot of objects by Graphics.RenderMeshIndirect and does it in a few calls. That is, the commandBuffer has a size 16.

When I set the value of startCommand = 1, I get an error in the editor:

RenderMeshIndirect: Graphics Buffer argument offset read out of bound (offset=0x14)

How should I use the startCommand argument in general?

I found out how the Graphics.RenderMeshIndirect method and the startCommand argument works.

startCommand must be used with commandCount in mind. If, for example, a commandBuffer with 16 rendering commands was passed to the function, and you set startCommand = 8 (that is, you will not draw the first 8 commands), then you need to specify commandCount = 16 - 8 = 8 so as not to exceed the boundaries of the commandBuffer.