I downloaded and installed the Third Person Start Assets and had pink assets. I meet the criteria, including the version of Unity. I tried the Render Pipeline Converter but there are Custom Materials in it which are not supported. The majority of my scene is pink. I tried Googling but Google offered two link, neither of which helped me. I tried to look up a solution in the Unity Documentation and found nothing. So now I’m trying the forum. I’m not a beginner user but I don’t always know what to do when I encounter issues like this. I hope it’s an easy solution but puts a damper on my creative burst I had. I don’t need these assets but I do need to know how to bypass them or replace them.
Found a solution that seems to be working. I clicked on the material and then in the Inspector, used the Shader drop down to find a shader that worked. In my case, I chose Skybox > Standard (Specular setup).