Near the bottom, I have an enum state check, and if it’s StartServer, it makes it start a server and join a server, only if the player is not associated with a network at the moment, It spawns nothing when I take away the manager.StartClient, but adding it spawns 2.
PS yes this is a GUI button made from scratch. I don’t like on the UI how if you click and hover off, it stays highlighted so I constructed my own and it actually works pretty good.
public class Button : MonoBehaviour {
public bool isActive;
private bool mouseOver;
private bool mouseDown;
public float fadeFrac;
public enum States
public States state;
public Color normalColor;
public Color highlightedColor;
public Color clickColor;
public Color disabledColor;
public Image image;
public enum Actions
public Actions action;
public NetworkManager manager;
void Update () {
if (state == States.Normal)
image.color = Color.Lerp (image.color, normalColor, fadeFrac);
if (state == States.Highlighted)
image.color = Color.Lerp (image.color, highlightedColor, fadeFrac);
if (state == States.Clicked)
image.color = Color.Lerp (image.color, clickColor, fadeFrac);
if (state == States.Disabled)
image.color = Color.Lerp (image.color, disabledColor, fadeFrac);
if (isActive == true && mouseOver == false && state == States.Clicked && Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0))
state = States.Normal;
void OnMouseOver () {
if (isActive == true && mouseDown == false && state != States.Clicked)
state = States.Highlighted;
mouseOver = true;
void OnMouseExit () {
if (isActive == true && mouseDown == false)
state = States.Normal;
mouseOver = false;
void OnMouseDown () {
if (isActive == true && mouseOver == true)
mouseDown = true;
void OnMouseUp () {
if (isActive == true && mouseOver == true && mouseDown == true)
state = States.Clicked;
if (action == Actions.StartServer)
if (manager.networkAddress != "" && manager.isNetworkActive == false)
manager.StartServer ();
manager.StartClient ();
if (action == Actions.JoinServer)
if (manager.networkAddress != "" && manager.isNetworkActive == false)
manager.StartClient ();
mouseDown = false;