StartServer not spawning a player, StartServer and StartClient spawning 2 players

Near the bottom, I have an enum state check, and if it’s StartServer, it makes it start a server and join a server, only if the player is not associated with a network at the moment, It spawns nothing when I take away the manager.StartClient, but adding it spawns 2.

PS yes this is a GUI button made from scratch. I don’t like on the UI how if you click and hover off, it stays highlighted so I constructed my own and it actually works pretty good.

public class Button : MonoBehaviour {
	public bool isActive;
	private bool mouseOver;
	private bool mouseDown;
	public float fadeFrac;
	public enum States
	public States state;
	public Color normalColor;
	public Color highlightedColor;
	public Color clickColor;
	public Color disabledColor;
	public Image image;
	public enum Actions
	public Actions action;
	public NetworkManager manager;
	void Update () {
		if (state == States.Normal)
			image.color = Color.Lerp (image.color, normalColor, fadeFrac);
		if (state == States.Highlighted)
			image.color = Color.Lerp (image.color, highlightedColor, fadeFrac);
		if (state == States.Clicked)
			image.color = Color.Lerp (image.color, clickColor, fadeFrac);
		if (state == States.Disabled)
			image.color = Color.Lerp (image.color, disabledColor, fadeFrac);
		if (isActive == true && mouseOver == false && state == States.Clicked && Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0))
			state = States.Normal;
	void OnMouseOver () {
		if (isActive == true && mouseDown == false && state != States.Clicked)
			state = States.Highlighted;
		mouseOver = true;
	void OnMouseExit () {
		if (isActive == true && mouseDown == false)
			state = States.Normal;
		mouseOver = false;
	void OnMouseDown () {
		if (isActive == true && mouseOver == true)
			mouseDown = true;
	void OnMouseUp () {
		if (isActive == true && mouseOver == true && mouseDown == true)
			state = States.Clicked;
			if (action == Actions.StartServer)
				if (manager.networkAddress != "" && manager.isNetworkActive == false)
					manager.StartServer ();
					manager.StartClient ();
			if (action == Actions.JoinServer)
				if (manager.networkAddress != "" && manager.isNetworkActive == false)
					manager.StartClient ();
		mouseDown = false;

You should not pair StartServer and StartClient on the same machine. If you want a local player you should use StartHost. It’s actually well explained here. Also see the documentation of the NetworkManager

Also when you’re no familiar with the new networking system you might want to start reading at the beginning where the concept of local and remote clients are explained as well.