So from what I’ve read, the courseware hasn’t been updated since a few year and there’s not much information about which Unity version the current certification is using.
Anyone can confirm this ? Everything’s behing a pay wall and I don’t really want to take my chances.
Here’s my hot take on Certified Professional Programmer: If you look at Unity’s official advertising page for the cert, and scroll down to the ‘details’ section (or click ‘details’ and the page will scroll), there is a subsection on the right that is labeled “Get Certified”. Quoting:
Get certified Validate your skills and signal to employers that you’re ready for your next professional challenge by obtaining Unity certification. Take the previous exam, or the new exam which reflects the latest version of Unity LTS 2020. Note that the previous exam will no longer be available as of June 30, 2022.
It is my feeling that Unity is just a little delayed at releasing the new certification, and a corresponding new set of courseware or other training materials. It’s not surprising if their deadline was June 30th that they are a little behind schedule.
I’m secretly hoping that they will release a Pathway for the Professional Programmer cert, but I kind of doubt they will. The Junior Pathway is extraordinarily well done, and helped me pass the Assoc. Programmer cert easily.
Feel free to ask me anything about the Assoc cert, as long as its not cheating.
Sorry I should have specified that I was talking about the professional certification ! Reading the forum, it seems the courseware for this one is really not up to date.
Quick update on this : I’ve contacted the team by email, and the official answer I got is that the courseware should be updated within two months and they recommended me to wait for this release before purchasing anything because it seems you can’t get the upgraded courseware when you buy the previous one.
Meh, like I keep saying, it’s a known issue that the official tute projects on here are out of date and don’t work, it’s unlikely admin will do anything though.
Unity have become a big corporate that suffers from the usual problem of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is up to. If you look at the frequency with which Unity are releasing new versions and features and changes to existing features, and the time it takes to actually create good learning materials, I doubt the people creating the material can keep up. Even in the ‘old’ days I couldn’t get their 2D tutorials to work because they were outdated. It’s quite ridiculous. Udemy is a better source of education.
Hello this is Darold
On January 3rd I took the Unity certification exam and passed with a score of 604 out of a max of 700, thus receiving the credential of Unity Certified Associate: Game Developer. I first started using Unity around 2011 for a video game design course I had in grad school. After graduating in 2012, I didn’t use it again seriously until about 2019.
New features and functionality have been added since then of course, but the general principles have stayed in place. However from 2019, I focused on leveling up with Unity to get certified and continue growing my company.
For the exam, I spent approximately 3 months of focused training by doing the courses, projects, tutorials, missions and Pathways on Unity Learn which was very helpful in preparing for the exam.