During the transition period both the current & next state is updated. This really limits what is possible to do inside of StateMachineBehaviours. It also doesn’t seem to be possible to retrieve the parent AnimatorStateInfo outside of the callback functions. And how do does one retrieve the transitions associated with an animatior state and their data?
Overlapping updates can be really annoying. I a bool animation parameter to only run one updates logic at a time.
Basically, if the update bool was true another state was still updating, so the new state wouldn’t perform it’s update logic until the UpdateBool was set to false. I used StateExit() to set the bool to false when your transition is done.
When my new state reads the updateBool as false, my new state would immediately set it to true and begin performing its logic.
I don’t know if this is the best way to accomplish this but it worked well enough for me.