Static array with custom class?

So I thought I had figured out static variables until I ran into this problem:


static var lot = new int[4];
static function output () {
	var ret = lot[0];
	return ret;

Doesn’t work:

class pig{
	var weight:int=6;

static var lot = new pig[4];
static function output () {
	var ret = lot[0].weight;
	return ret;

function Update () {

NullReferenceEception on play

It appears that an array whose type is a custom class cannot be made static. Is there a workaround or a better way to do this that works? I am writing a script that I want to be treated as a library of functions and in this case there should only be one instance of the array at a time so it made sense to make it static. Am I missing something?

You have initialized the array, but not it's contents. For basic types (like `int`s) that fine, but not for class-types. You need to initialize the array contents once.