Static batching of procedurally generated levels with a pooling system

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if the following is possible;

I have a pooling system which is used for smoothing out loading times between different levels, meaning everything is instantiated in advance.

the levels we generate are procedural, and have either an endless or a fixed length size.
When the level is of a fixed size, I can enable static batching to merge together pieces which are similar so the overall performance is better. The issue comes when cleaning up that level, adding it back to the pooling system and wanting to re-use it.

is there a way of basically removing the static batching from objects when I don’t need it anymore?
I can see the components on the objects which is generated when I enable the static batching. Would it be as simple as clearing that component somehow? Is the new mesh generated accessible somehow for me to delete?

shameless bump cause I’m being ignored “cries in corner”

I do not believe so.

Flagging something as static batching implies that it is static. It shouldn’t be moved.

Static batching basically bakes all the related meshes into one large mesh. Adding new data to a mesh is relatively simple… you just add it. But removing data from a mesh… well that can be complicated. Do we remove the verts at the same location as the verts in the mesh being removed? What if one of those verts happens to be near a vert that was added by another mesh? What joints do we remove? Lets not forget float error in comparing verts…