I want to buy a Unity Pro License, but before I do I would like to ask some questions to make sure that what I am trying to do will work with the Unity Pro features.
I am procedurally generating a terrain (set boundaries) at startup. The terrain consists of multiple meshes, all different, using the same material. I have the project set up on Unity Free Version, and when I see the ‘stats’ it says i have 200-300 drawcalls, depending on how many chunks of the terrain are visible. I also have many levels of detail for the chunks, but since I do not have Unity Pro I am rendering all the chunks at 1 constant LOD. My question is, can many procedurally generated meshes with LODs be statically batched at runtime? Also, at runtime, I would like to make certain chunks ‘unstatic’ to be able to move them and eventually destroy them. Most chunks will remain static, but when a certain event happens, i would like to detach certain chunks from the terrain by marking them as not static and then giving them a rigidbody to let them fall. (not to be confused with unity terrain, this is custom meshes.)
TL;DR: Can Procedural Meshes with LODs be statically batched at runtime and can I toggle static batching on them via the static flag?