Static Collider.Move (Expensive Delayed cost)

Hey guys

Trying to optimize my game, I’ve realized my bonus coins generate this message when I check the unity profiler.
But I’m just rotating on their local axis… I don’t really move anything…

Anyway what is the most optimal way to have heaps of coins on screen ?

Actually each coin contains a Sphere Collider with the IsTrigger flag enabled (so no physics applied on the coin but I still get the OnTriggerEnter function called when the player hits the coin)
I don’t really what else I should do (except doing my own trigger calculation…)

I’ve also tried to change directly the renderer transform (assuming it would not touch the collider one) but I still have the Static Collider.move message…

Any idea would be much appreciated

Rotation is also a kind of movement. In your case, I guess a centered sphere collider, it doesn’t affect the collision but if the collider is not centered it would orbit around the transforms orgin when you rotate your transform.

Just seperate the collider and the rotation. Use a static gameobject with the sphere collider and add the visual, rotating coin as child object. Now you can rotate the child without affecting the collider.