Static function, coroutine and trying to access an instance

Hiya, I have a static function issue/ IEnumerator issue. I have a static function called RegisterSelection:

public static void RegisterSelection (GameObject objectToRegister)
StartCoroutine ( MoveAndCheckForMatch () );

…within this function I"m trying to execute StartCoroutine called MoveAndCheckForMatch as you can see.

 private IEnumerator MoveAndCheckForMatch ()

And I guess you know what’s coming. Initially the compiler was complaining that 'an object reference is required to access non-static member SphereController.MoveAndCheckForMatch etc etc I understand this to be the case, as coroutines can only run on instances of monobehaviours

SphereController is attached to a gameobject in the world, so after reading the forums I tried to get access to an instance of the script:

 instanceReference = GameObject.Find("Controller").GetComponent<SphereController>();

and tried to change how I’m calling the coroutine to

instanceReference.StartCoroutine ( MoveAndCheckForMatch () );

However I’m still getting the same issue. I know this is a commonly asked question on the forums, but I understood that i was following the suggested solution, but I’m clearly messing up somewhere!

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

The problem here is that ‘MoveAndCheckForMatch’ is a private member of SphereController, meaning you can’t access it from outside! Instead, you should expose a public method which can be called directly, and then passes the message on.

public void StartMoveAndCheck()


Static functions are a little bit annoying to get working in an object-oriented sense, since they kind of fly in the face of everything oop stands for. You should avoid them when you can.