Static GameObject List gives error when calling Add or Count from another script

Hi gang! I have a list in one of my classes and am trying to access it from another script, however I receive an error when I try to use Add or Count.

Class with list:

    static class Recycler
    	static var myList: List.<GameObject>; 

Accessing list from another script:

    var listLength = Recycler.myList.Count;  //NullReferenceException error
    Recycler.myList.Add(gameObject);  //NullReferenceException error

I have no problem accessing static variables(float, int, etc.) in the same scenario. Is there something special I need to know when dealing with lists in this way?

Thank you in advance!


I don’t know the javascript syntax, but you’re not creating the list…

static var myList: List.<GameObject> = new List.<GameObject>();