Just move the project from 2020 to 2021. If targetFrameRate is set to 60 or more, then can’t see the statistics as it’s always flickering.
In the Gif below the targetFrameRate is set to 60, but for some reason it shows over 90 and something is happening.
Build platform Windows.
Tested in (2021.3.32 and in 2021.3.30) same thing in both versions.
In build targetFrameRate is working fine and it’s limited to the amount is selected, but this wiggle makes it impossible to debug while in editor.
This looks like something is visible for just a few frames and then gets turned back off. Your vertex count jumps from 11k to over 400k. This seems more likely an issue with your project as it is running. Check what you are possibly enabling/disabling in quick succession, including UI. More so if this happens without any camera movement.
I’ve realized that this is happening when couple cameras are enabled. Main and for instance “Scope” camera. If both are enabled this is flickering. Also the flicker intensity depends on which side the both camera are looking at, if it’s Global -Z then it’s less, Global Z forward the frequency is faster.
(The cameras are static and those batch values are exact batch count per each camera)
Is it intended to be like that in 2021 version? Showing the stats per each camera in separate frames and not for both of them in one frame?..
Still, even if one of the camera is disabled, the targetFrameRate doesn’t work, instead of 60 frames lock it shows over 80 - 90.