Hi Guys,
Recently our 3d modeler change all the models in the scene so they can all share the same texture (Texture Atlas), the draw calls were too much but now they dropped a bit, and now im stuck at the batching process, here is whats going on exactly:
When i turn the models to static:
Statistics window Draw Calls:198 none Saved by batching
GPU Usage profiler Draw Calls:10
When i turn the models to non-static:
Statistics window Draw Calls:63 the rest are saved by batching which is 135
GPU Usage profiler Draw Calls:71
This is done in Unity 5 im using the exact same texture on all the models and the new standard material with only a diffuse texture and some smoothness, shall i go with the 10 GPU usage profiler draw calls or something is wrong here, to me it seems the dynamic batching is working while the static batching is not working for some reason but when i turn them into static the profiler draw calls drops down to 10
Thanks in Advance