I also found a patching solution that only requires you to create a symbolic link on the Mac.
ls -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
You can enter the command line above in the Terminal on the mac. It will create a symbolic link so that each time you call python, it actually calls python3.
(You should double-check the location of your real python3 by executing which python3 which returns the path to python3.)
You might have to recreate the symbolic link in future updates of Mac OS.
Had this issue today with firebase installation 9.3.0 on Unity version 2021.3.14f1 on Monterey.
Solved it by:
Updating the firebase app package and its dependencies to 10.3.0
After updating and starting Unity the error changed to : “Could not find a working python interpreter. Please make sure one of the following is in your PATH: python python3 python3.8 python3.7”
Then installed python 3 by downloading it from the python website