Stealth - point lights not illuminating floor

I’m just a bit confused as I’ve positioned the point lights on the axes in exactly the same way as in the tutorial, and with the same range and colour, but in the tutorial video the lights seem to illuminate the floor quite brightly, but not in my scene window. Is there some setting I need to change to show the light on the floor?

Tutorial video:

My scene:


What I did to fix this issue was:
Edit - Project Setting - Quality
Raise the Pixel Light Count to 50.

I suggest that you look at the lights you got in the top left corner of the picture, they seem to work fine, maybe there is a difference in the properties? also check your layers, culling mask, shadows and lightmapping.

Remember to check the “importance” flag for the lights, and how many pixel lights you allow in your quality settings.

You know, I actually brought it up on my ACER monitor and have concluded the problem is that my Macbook display is rubbish, because it looks pretty good now.