Stealth tutorial Camera Script Very Confused

I was wondering if anyone could help explain some of this script to me. Up until now, my understanding has been fairly decent, but this camera script has thrown me for somewhat of a loop. At the current moment my first bit of confusion as I know are these Vector 3’s called “standard position” && “above position” It’s confusing because you already get the camera position in relation to the player, so why do you need to add player.position + relCameraPos; or in in above position add player.position + Vector3.up * relCameraPosMag; I have no idea what that means. Could someone please explain it to me?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CameraMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public float smooth = 1.5f;         // The relative speed at which the camera will catch up.
    private Transform player;           // Reference to the player's transform.
    private Vector3 relCameraPos;       // The relative position of the camera from the player.
    private float relCameraPosMag;      // The distance of the camera from the player.
    private Vector3 newPos;             // The position the camera is trying to reach.

    void Awake ()
        // Setting up the reference.
        player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.player).transform;
        // Setting the relative position as the initial relative position of the camera in the scene.
        relCameraPos = transform.position - player.position;
        relCameraPosMag = relCameraPos.magnitude - 0.5f;
    void FixedUpdate ()
        // The standard position of the camera is the relative position of the camera from the player.
        Vector3 standardPos = player.position + relCameraPos;
        // The abovePos is directly above the player at the same distance as the standard position.
        Vector3 abovePos = player.position + Vector3.up * relCameraPosMag;
        // An array of 5 points to check if the camera can see the player.
        Vector3[] checkPoints = new Vector3[5];
        // The first is the standard position of the camera.
        checkPoints[0] = standardPos;
        // The next three are 25%, 50% and 75% of the distance between the standard position and abovePos.
        checkPoints[1] = Vector3.Lerp(standardPos, abovePos, 0.25f);
        checkPoints[2] = Vector3.Lerp(standardPos, abovePos, 0.5f);
        checkPoints[3] = Vector3.Lerp(standardPos, abovePos, 0.75f);
        // The last is the abovePos.
        checkPoints[4] = abovePos;
        // Run through the check points...
        for(int i = 0; i < checkPoints.Length; i++)
            // ... if the camera can see the player...

// … break from the loop.

// Lerp the camera’s position between it’s current position and it’s new position.
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, newPos, smooth * Time.deltaTime);

// Make sure the camera is looking at the player.

bool ViewingPosCheck (Vector3 checkPos)
RaycastHit hit;

// If a raycast from the check position to the player hits something…
if(Physics.Raycast(checkPos, player.position - checkPos, out hit, relCameraPosMag))
// … if it is not the player…
if(hit.transform != player)
// This position isn’t appropriate.
return false;

// If we haven’t hit anything or we’ve hit the player, this is an appropriate position.
newPos = checkPos;
return true;

void SmoothLookAt ()
// Create a vector from the camera towards the player.
Vector3 relPlayerPosition = player.position - transform.position;

// Create a rotation based on the relative position of the player being the forward vector.
Quaternion lookAtRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relPlayerPosition, Vector3.up);

// Lerp the camera’s rotation between it’s current rotation and the rotation that looks at the player.
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, lookAtRotation, smooth * Time.deltaTime);

after testing it, I realized that the relative position of the camera was just that, just a position you were giving to the camera. adding the two positions (standard position) I’m guessing gives you an updated version of the player’s position. Though now that I think about it, i’m wondering why they didn’t just find the relative position of the camera in the update function. I guess it’s because the relative position of the camera was put in the Awake function, that it can throw you off. Makes sense, but can be confusing.