Stealth tutorial project - Enemy movement corrupted

Hi guys,

I tried to search the forum but didn’t find a thread with such a problem although I did find here:
that some time ago Navmeshes weren’t supported in Unity Free so maybe there are still some problems with that.

Anyway, the issue is that enemies movement is corrupted, they “walk” from one waypoint to another but it’s more of a slide curved in different directions rather than a proper walk; you can see it here:

I followed the whole tutorial in Unity Free, copy-pasting the scripts and adjusting them if needed (wrong names were used in one case) and did everything else step by step.

Scripts are available here:
and here:

As I am totally new to Unity I decided to ask on this forum what can be the problem to have a good understanding of it, rather than experimenting with the scripts on my own.

Best regards,

I have almost the exact same problem.
I have followed all the tuts - the game plays but the enemies move at the speed of light, skating around the floor.