Steam Audio Issue

Hey all, anyone worked with steam audio before? I am posting here after posting in the steam audio forums, but I saw the developers feedback delay is like 3 months.

This is the post. Dynamic Objects not working as expected. :: Steam Audio General Discussions
I also copy the content:

I have 2 rooms, 1 with a steam audio source, and between them a dynamic object door.
All the walls and the door have occlusion 100%. So no sound should tresspass.
Then my tests are opening and closing the door from the room without audio.
It works great as the player keeps moving. But if I stop moving the player just before the door closes, I keep listening the audio as a reflection. What can be causing this?

I am trying to reproduce it with 3 rooms and 2 audio sources (middle room is empty). The only thing I get so far is that the dynamic objects only works if the audio source is a new one.
I mean: If I duplicate the RoomA audio source (and disable the original copy) the dynamic object will oclude the sound and the RoomB will not.
Then I duplicate the RoomB audio source (and disable the original copy) and the dynamic object will oclude the sound and the roomA will not.
I really need support with this. I cant figure out how to solve. It seems a bug.

Solved at Dynamic objects does not work as expected · Issue #298 · ValveSoftware/steam-audio · GitHub