Steam Greenlight Concepts section

Does anybody actually use the concepts section? Any idea if people actually look at it?
Has anyone here used it themselves, if so do you think it was worth it or is it a waste of time?

Personally I think I only went on that page one time. I imagine the average steam user doesnā€™t go there hardly at all.

But what the heck, itā€™s free. If you where already planning on going on greenlight, and already have a pitch written, you may as well throw it on there before you launch your greenlight page. Donā€™t expect a whole lot of feedback, but you may get a small amount if youā€™re lucky.

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Im planning on going for Greenlight but not until the 1st of 2017
So im wondering if its worth doing a concept page to get feedback and fix things before the final greenlight

Maybe. Other places that are worth posting about a WIP:
Unity WIP Forum Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

I wouldnt really bother with it almost no one checks it out just throw it on greenlight and see what happens

Well Iā€™m not a die-hard steam user - though I do game through steam infrequently, and Iā€™ve checked out several concept pages. The pages that are ligit and not just joke concepts, I think are interesting.
I also think it doesnā€™t hurt to get additional eyes on the product. If no one really bothers to check the concepts out, and the average steam user doesnā€™t frequent the concepts, there are people who do - that might not be the average fps steam user, a minority - but still different eyes on the project.
If the game is targeting a different demographic beyond the ā€˜averageā€™ steam user - couldnā€™t hurt.
Although Iā€™d take feedback on the concept with a cautious measure, if your design is solid. If the design is still loose and unfocused - posting the concept might be harmful, and gather unwanted feedback.

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Tbh any feedback for me is feedback i want unless its ā€œoi itā€™s s***ā€; even some overly hateful comments like ā€œthe graphics are s***ā€ have some level of substance that can be drawn out, even if they arent specific they still show which areas need work on


Good point - I was thinking more along the lines of ā€œyou should change your 2D platformer into a 3D 3rd person rpgā€, though that feedback still has some thought provoking weight to consider - for your next game. :slight_smile:
Is Cosmos the game your thinking about putting on Concepts?

Yup, it is indeed :slight_smile:
I need to fix this stupid HUD first before i can take any screenshots or make a trailer xD

Considering none of the posts on the front page on have any comments, you have to wonder how many people are actually looking at those posts.

And of course, for feedback, it seems pretty pointless, since nobody is commenting.

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I wouldnā€™t recommend indieDB for feedback without having something you can actually play. WIP forums like the ones here or on TIGsource are probably your best bet.


The only drawback I guess is you might not get any response from anyone which could demotivated you from working on it it might be a sign no ones interested in it.

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It looks like place where people can snatch your ideas.

Repeat after me:

Ideas are worthless. Execution is everything.


Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m really not worried about someone stealing my ideas, Iā€™ve already finished most the game anyway


Thatā€™s a very valid point, I feel Iā€™m so far with the project though that I should be able to keep going

As opposed to any online mobile market place, where finished ideas arenā€™t snatched and cloned on a daily basis?
Anybody without enough design ability to have to steal another personā€™s idea from a concept page - wonā€™t have enough development fortitude to create and finish anything. Or - what @Murgilod said. :wink:

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Not the best thing in the world by any means of the imagination (will put a lot more effort into actual greenlight trailer) but should still give a good idea for the greenlight experience

I just made my first Steam comment ever on your Early Dev page.

Haha, awesome XD
Thanks :slight_smile: