Has anyone come across the following issue?
“Failed to load IVRRenderModels interface version IVRRenderModels_005”
It came up in my project today even though i have changed nothing and was working fine the other day. So far i have tried using the Steam VR plugin on older and the latest version of Unity but nothing seems to work.
I had the same problem. That usually shows if you don’t have installed SteamVR on your Laptop/PC, or if you don’t have the HMD connected. What solved my problem is:
Go to this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config
If you have the steamvr.vrsettings file, edit it with your favourite editor (Notepad++ for example), and add this part:
“driver_null” : {
“enable” : true
“steamvr” : {
“background” : “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\resources\backgrounds\viveNight.png”,
“mirrorViewGeometry” : “80 57 1080 600”
“userinterface” : {
“StatusAlwaysOnTop” : false
If you dont have that file, create it and add that part.
That would be all.
Hope it helped!
I’m just now seeing this problem for the first time without having changed anything… Were you able to figure it out?
Yeah same here, I am not exactly sure what is happening but some help would be great. I will inform you guys if something can fix it.
That’s because there is a controller that’s not plug in steamVR. That’s a minor error. Don’t mind about it.