Steam VR - Failed to load IVRRenderModels interface?


Has anyone come across the following issue?

“Failed to load IVRRenderModels interface version IVRRenderModels_005”

It came up in my project today even though i have changed nothing and was working fine the other day. So far i have tried using the Steam VR plugin on older and the latest version of Unity but nothing seems to work.


I had the same problem. That usually shows if you don’t have installed SteamVR on your Laptop/PC, or if you don’t have the HMD connected. What solved my problem is:

  1. Go to this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config

  2. If you have the steamvr.vrsettings file, edit it with your favourite editor (Notepad++ for example), and add this part:
    “driver_null” : {
    “enable” : true
    “steamvr” : {
    “background” : “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\resources\backgrounds\viveNight.png”,
    “mirrorViewGeometry” : “80 57 1080 600”
    “userinterface” : {
    “StatusAlwaysOnTop” : false

  3. If you dont have that file, create it and add that part.

That would be all.

Hope it helped!

Cheers :slight_smile:

I’m just now seeing this problem for the first time without having changed anything… Were you able to figure it out?

Yeah same here, I am not exactly sure what is happening but some help would be great. I will inform you guys if something can fix it.

That’s because there is a controller that’s not plug in steamVR. That’s a minor error. Don’t mind about it.