Steam Vr Hands lagg behind when i move

so I am using the player prefab.
and I have a script so that when I touch the touchpad it moves the player.
the moving works fine except my hands lag behind when i move


    private void Start()
        Char = transform.GetComponent<CharacterController>();

    public void Update()
        if (IsGrounded())
            Vel = (Physics.gravity.normalized * .1f);
        Vector3 MoveDirection = Cam.TransformDirection(new Vector3(TouchPadInput.axis.x, 0, TouchPadInput.axis.y)); = new Vector3(Cam.localPosition.x,, Cam.localPosition.z);
        Char.Move(Speed * Time.deltaTime * Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(MoveDirection,Vector3.up));
        Vel += Physics.gravity * (Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime);

Try to remove the .normalized in your “Vel” variable.
I never made a game for vr but everything else looks right for me.

“If the vector is too small to be normalized a zero vector will be returned.”
I think this can be your problem. (From the documentation)

no, I don’t think that’s the case because the vel is for gravity and I had the hand jitter problem
before I added the vel variable.