First asset now in the asset store! I am using it for my games right now and if I ever need a new custom script I will add it right away to the asset to continue building a good base. There will also be more tutorials coming soon.
Steam VR Playmaker Toolkit
Priced at $15 and will be billed to $20 when new tutorials are added in.
Aside from the custom actions that come with the package it includes a complete demo package that best shows the scripts in use with a boxing demo, shooting demo, switching between controllers, and more.
Important: requires playmaker version 1.8.1 or greater!
-Extensive Custom Actions
-Demonstration Scene
-Full Documentation
-Detailed FSM and Actions
-Custom Models
Example Scene demonstrates how to use the most popular Steam VR scripts in custom actions.
-Throw Objects.
-Set up a shooting weapon.
-A boxing machine that allows you to test your speed.
-Firing targets.
-Rumble Controllers.
-Switching between controllers.
-Dual wielding Guns or Boxing gloves.!steamvrplaymaker/d9jrt
Any questions or comments, please post here or send an email to with subject line “playmaker vr Toolkit”