Steam Web API Key Call limit

As I understand, the Steam authentication in UGS works through the Steam Web API.

The Steam Web API TOS states:

  • You are limited to one hundred thousand (100,000) calls to the Steam Web API per day.

Just out of curiosity, what happens to Steam sign-ins after that limit is reached?
I imagine each game start would trigger the authentication process, resulting in at least one call to the API?
But maybe I’m misreading how the Authentication process works?


You should only call the sign in with steam API of the authentication service if the user does not have an existing session token that you can use to sign in anonymously. It in fact is not anonymous (because you have a session token) and the user is correctly signed in to his account that has a linked steam sign in.

I can imagine that Steam will block further calls or you are subject to pay a fee for the amount of calls exceeding the threshold.