SteamVR does not work

Please fix it.

I have this error after importing SteamVR package:
\Editor\SteamVR_AutoEnable.VR.cs(64,68): error CS0117: ‘VREditor’ does not contain a definition for ‘GetVREnabledDevicesOnTargetGroup’

Old SteamVR and OpenVR packages don’t work anymore on 2020.1 or 2020.2. You need to use the new XR management system along with beta package from Valve:

or just OpenVR version:


beta package from Valve has the same error

Apparently the XR plugin has now moved to GitHub - ValveSoftware/unity-xr-plugin: OpenVR plugin for Unity's XR API

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SteamVR crashes Unity 2020???

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As @rz_0lento mentioned, just go ahead and install any SteamVR Unity Plugin v2.6.1+. It should alleviate the problem.

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To update the links, currently active github repo is now this one (altho it’s been last updated this years feb):

same plugin also included in SteamVR integration through asset store:

I don’t think Valve anymore maintains OpenVR package outside SteamVR integration package at all since all focus is now on OpenXR (which nowadays can be installed directly from Package Manager or from XR settings.

For unity 2021.3.13, updating to SteamVR v2.6.1+ (latest 2.7.3) didn’t solve the problem. Any ideas how could anyone bypass this without intergrating XR plugin Managment?