SteamVR tries to enable OpenVR support and Unity 2020 continuously disables it

I’m unable to open my Unity VR project after Unity 2020.1 upgrade. This update disables old XR settings in project settings and requires to use new XR Plug-in Management:

[SteamVR Setup] Enabled virtual reality support in Player Settings. (you can disable this by unchecking Assets/SteamVR/SteamVR_Settings.autoEnableVR)
Valve.VR.SteamVR_AutoEnableVR:Update() (at Assets/SteamVR/Editor/SteamVR_AutoEnableVR.cs:56)
[SteamVR Setup] Added OpenVR to supported VR SDKs list.
Valve.VR.SteamVR_AutoEnableVR:Update() (at Assets/SteamVR/Editor/SteamVR_AutoEnableVR.cs:91)
XR SDK Provider detected in project. Disabling VR Device settings for Standalone

I’m unable to open the settings file to disable the auto import settings so I went to SteamVR_AutoEnableVR and commented the whole Update method. After this I’m able to run my project but it crashes on start with missing openvr dll error

Can I use steamvr unity plugin with the new XR Plug-ing Management unity system?


I’m using this Version of the SteamVR-Plugin. After installation you have to check OpenVR Loader in the XR-Plugin Management Settings. It’s working so far.


I didn’t have a chance to try it out, I fell back to the previous Unity Studio version as the new one generates too many issues to use it.

I am using SteamVR 2.6.1 (sdk 1.13.10) and that issue appears to be fixed.

They seem to have added a #if OPENVR_XR_API block to SteamVR_AutoEnableVR.cs, so if you are using the new XR Plug-in Management method of using OpenVR, the issue that you are experiencing is fixed.

I tried with 2020.1.8f1 with SteamVR unity plugin v2.6.1 to run my Valve Index. When I clicked “Save and Generate” in the SteamVR Input window, nothing happens. When I open the example scene and run, I get nothing from my headset and I was furious.

After some research I tried Unity 2018.4.12f1 with older SteamVR release v2.0.1 and it was working smooth and fine for now.

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