SteamVR Update - No Controllers in Unity games - Error: "Bindings for unity.exe was not set."

We are on 2.2.0 on the unity package

Have you created bindings for your project? I had to navigate to Window>SteamVR Input> in order to create new bindings for my project. Once a bindings.json file existed the message disappeared.

SteamVR 2.2, Unity 2018.1.1f1

I am having this problem. Things work in editor but when I build, VIVE controllers do not show up nor function.

Custom ActionSets also do not fire button actions. Only default ActionSet and buttons work.

I tried “replacing default bindings” and the custom actions still dont work and controlls still dont show up in builds. SteamVR is very broken.

Same problem here. Vive controllers in Editor… but not in Build. Getting this errors.

[SteamVR] GetDigitalActionData error (/actions/default/in/InteractUI): InvalidHandle handle: 1152954300977119462

I am on steam vr plugin 2.3
every time i press “open binding UI” I get
[SteamVR] Error identifying application: UnknownApplication
and i cannot find my defined inputs on the web interface …
any ideas?

PS: also tried version 2.1, same problem … whatsgoingon?

I had used some cyrillic letters building the app first time that somehow made its way into the steamvr plugin’s appkey whateverthing and stuck there no matter what and threw the above error
so after attempts to change it in build settings and settings and changing it via the variable i finally deleted everything but the assets folder to get rid off it, yust cost me half a working day to guess that out… darn

In my case, it’s due to my project name which have an accent inside the name (famous french accent en e). so my app key editor also have an accent and steamVR can not link the app key editor with my project name. i just remove the accent from my app key editor and it works, i can use the binding UI for my project

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