Stereo switched


i have a little problem with stereo sounds. i have started a new game (as i cannot finish my almost finished one, due to a unity bug and i get ignored by unity support :evil: - just something i think should be mentioned) and didn’t notice, that my camera is pointing in the wrong direction (as in adding to x, moves it to the left)

as i did notice, i did not change it, as i was already very far, but now i add sound files to the objects in the scene, and the stereo is exactly the wrong way.

the soundfiles added itself are mono files, but if the object is on the right of the screen, it’s sound is louder on the left speaker… how can this happen, i mean, even if camera is the wrong direction, sound should be right, or am i missing something?

how can i fix that?


Im not sure what you mean. But are you adding stereo OR mono files? (if its stereo files, the position/orientation of the camera shouldnt affect anything) And what do mean by “wrong” direction of the camera? (if the orientation of the camera is rotated the sound will of course change. think of the camera as the listeners head :slight_smile: ). Finally be sure that your speakers are setup correctly, left speaker on the left and so on …


thanx for the quick reply

it is mainly mono files attached to moving game objects

it is a fake 2d game an the camera is rotated 180 degrees around y axis, so if a say Camera.main.transform.position.x+=1.0; it moves 1.0 to the left, i just mentioned it as i thought this might be the reason for the trouble, but i don’t think it should, as all objects are still in front of the camera.

as far as i can say, system speakers are setup correct, although i am no experienced mac user, but pulling balance to left only puts out audio on the left. pretty much makes sense to me :wink:

Ok … now it makes sense … It sounds odd and like a bug … Can you try to create a minimal project reproducing this problem and then report a bug with that attached using the built-in bug reporter?


d’oh, just found out what was happening.

i am using a ragdoll, and i am not sure why - but it is no problem anyway - the main object of the ragdoll is staying on it’s starting position. the sounds where attached to that object, so they just kept in the scene center as the camera moved away.

the fact, that it sounded, as it was opposite direction, was just coincidence

thanx anyway