Sterioscopic vision in apk build in unity 2022 version

i am using unity 2022 i need build an apk file with sterioscopic vision like same image with two screen using openxr sdk

To build an APK file with stereoscopic vision using Unity 2022 and the OpenXR SDK, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Unity 2022: Download and install Unity 2022 on your development machine. Ensure that you have the latest version of Unity 2022 that includes OpenXR support.
  2. Set Up Project: Create a new Unity project or open an existing one that you want to add stereoscopic vision to.
  3. Import OpenXR Plugin: Import the OpenXR Unity plugin into your project. You can find the official OpenXR Unity plugin on the Unity Asset Store or GitHub.
  4. Configure XR Settings: In Unity, go to “Edit” → “Project Settings” → “Player.” Under the “XR Plugin Management” section, enable “OpenXR” and select the OpenXR SDK.
  5. Set Up Stereoscopic Rendering: To enable stereoscopic rendering, you’ll need to set up two camera views side by side (left and right). Create two separate cameras and position them appropriately to simulate stereoscopic vision. You can adjust the camera properties like FOV, IPD (Interpupillary Distance), and convergence point to fine-tune the effect.
  6. Configure OpenXR Settings: In Unity, go to “Window” → “XR Plugin Management.” Under the OpenXR section, you can configure various settings related to XR devices and inputs.
  7. Build for Android: Go to “File” → “Build Settings.” Select Android as the platform, and click on “Switch Platform.” Adjust any necessary Android settings.
  8. Build APK: After configuring your build settings, click on “Build” to generate the APK file for your Unity project.
  9. Test on Stereoscopic Device: Install the APK file on a stereoscopic-capable device or VR headset that supports OpenXR, and test the application to verify the stereoscopic vision.