Sticky3D Controller (1st & 3rd person character controller) SciFi & VR ready

Ok, it’s Bryce’s turn to take to the bench and have his sit animations made and adjusted.

Who had it first??

Just been watching a video from Star Citizen’s CIG. They were talking about 2 new features coming to their work-in-progress games.

Two things jumped out at me, IK for touching and interacting with objects in the scene, and auto-mag loading of weapons from backpacks.

The first, seems very similar to our tech we have had in Sticky3D Controller for some time. And the second, we added in version 1.1.0 (we call our backpacks “Stash”).

Now, granted, Star Citizen is a AAA title with a huge multi-million-dollar budget to match, and has more polish that our systems, but nevertheless they seem pretty similar. Just saying…

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Sticky3D characters at promo briefing

Our four new characters are gathered for the new promo briefing. It takes place inside an office (QA Office and Security Room 3rd party asset).

They are keen to interact with each other and check out the offices where the promo video will take place.

As part of developing this promo video, we’ll be testing out and extending emotional reactions which is coming to the next version of Sticky3D (1.1.2) along with these 4 new characters.

We’re not ready to release 1.1.2 yet, but existing customers can try out the new characters in the Beta Program.

Rotation quaternions must be unit length.

If you see the above error in Unity 2023.2.x with Sticky3D Controller, it is likely you are seeing a Unity Editor bug.

Unity Issue Tracker - “Rotation quaternions must be unit length” error appears when multiplying quaternions (

Sticky3D Controller v1.1.3 is now available on the Unity Asset Store.

It includes the following updates since 1.1.2:

[NEW] Option to manually update Celestials from Sci-Fi Ship Controller
[NEW] Set temporary reference frame APIs
[NEW] SampleSitActionPopup works with SSC Multi-stage Seat animator
[NEW] SampleSitActioNPC works with SSC Multi-stage Seat animator
[NEW] StickyZone - option to enable colliders on initialise
[FIXED] Toggle Third Person at runtime in editor on un-initialised causes null reference
[FIXED] NullReference when removing a Speech Audio clip in Sticky Shapes Module
[IMPROVED] Sticky Shapes Module - add speech audio at runtime
[IMPROVED] Third Person focus position when sitting
[IMPROVED] Hand IK when player is sitting

Here is a little tutorial we made with Sci-Fi Ship Controller and Sticky3D Controller.

Coming in Sticky3D Controller v1.1.4

SSC Output Bridge allows a StickyInteractive object to receive input data from a spaceship from another one of our assets (Sci-Fi Ship Controller) and rotate that object.

For example, here we have an in-game joystick and throttle (lever) that mimics how the user if flying the ship. On our character, we have left and right Hand IK enabled, so that it reaches the joystick (and/or throttle) and follows the moment of those controls.

The SSC Output Bridge works independently from the S3D character controller so can be used with or without the S3D character controller.


For Beta Program members, you need Sticky3D v1.1.4 Beta 2c or newer, and SSC 1.4.4 or newer.

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VR update

A customer reported some issues with some versions of the Unity, so we’ve retested and updated our joint Sci-Ship Controller and Sticky3D demo scene.

It now uses S3D 1.1.4 Beta 3a+ and SSC 1.4.5 Beta 1i+ along with the newer Meta XR Core SDK for Quest.

Here’s what’s new in the S3D beta: since 1.1.3.

[NEW] SSCOutputBridge
[NEW] Support for Meta XR Core in VR
[FIXED] SSCInputBridge.IsInitialised always returns false
[FIXED] StickyZone - Enable Colliders option missing in editor
[FIXED] StickyInteractive - disable rbody gravity if not in use for Unity 6+
[FIXED] StickyInteractive - readable position unstable with sudden movement
[IMPROVED] StickyInteractive - ReInitialiseReadable() can be called multiple times
[IMPROVED] Compatibility with Unity 6

Here is the original tutorial for anyone that missed it. It’s changed slightly with the newer VR demo scene but it includes an updated readme file the SCSM\VR folder to get you going.

Here is Bryce at the controls of a spaceship from a future Sci-Fi Ship Controller Expansion Pack on Mars.

Sticky3D Controller version 1.1.4 is now available in the asset store. It includes the following changes since 1.1.3:

[NEW] SSCOutputBridge
[NEW] Support for Meta XR Core in VR
[FIXED] SSCInputBridge.IsInitialised always returns false
[FIXED] StickyZone - Enable Colliders option missing in editor
[FIXED] StickyInteractive - disable rbody gravity if not in use for Unity 6+
[FIXED] StickyInteractive - readable position unstable with sudden movement
[IMPROVED] StickyInteractive - ReInitialiseReadable() can be called multiple times
[IMPROVED] Compatibility with Unity 6

ANNOUNCEMENT Unity have migrated some Unity Forum posts to the Discussions forum. Some links work while others are broken or have been deleted.

Unfortunately, this is beyond our control and some content will have been lost forever. We will also endeavour to update links within the Sticky3D Controller editors.

Sticky3D Controller 1.1.5 is now available in the Asset Store. It includes the following updates since 1.1.4:

[NEW] StickyInputModule - override axis option
[NEW] StickyUIRaycaster - for popups on moving objects
[FIXED] Sitting - Assertion failed on expression: IsNormalized(direction)
[IMPROVED] Sitting obstacle detection
[IMPROVED] Get Support button opens Unity Discussions

We’re doing quality of life updates for Sticky3D Controller. Above, we have a Sticky3D humanoid character sitting in the cockpit of a custom spaceship which is configured with our Sci-Fi Ship Controller.

As the player uses Sticky3D to apply thrust and left-right, pitch up-down input, this is sent to the ShipControlModule to fly the ship.

The left arrow above shows a small green reticle which denotes the on-screen mouse pointer. It is green because it is hovering over a Sticky3D interactive-enabled object. The throttle is part of the spaceship but can now be used by our S3D character.

This all worked well when the ship was stationary or moving a low speed but had difficulty at higher speeds. Starting with Sticky3D v1.1.6 this should be much more stable.

In this video we setup an in-game joystick with a Sticky Interactive component to fly a spaceship configured with Sci-Fi Ship Controller.


We made this little tool to allow you to add curves directly to .anim files (similar to what you would do for an animation that is stored in an fbx file).

We’ve added stop events to speech audio on the shapes module. Here are some other items coming in version 1.1.6.

[NEW] StickyControlModule - look at socket Exit Delay for sockets on moving objects
[NEW] StickyControlModule - look at interactive Exit Delay for moving objects
[NEW] StickyControlModule - Interact LH for Amy, Bryce, Jeff and Kate
[NEW] StickyInteractive - popup interval
[NEW] StickyPopup8[VR] prefabs
[NEW] SSCOutputBridge - Pause and Unpause methods
[NEW] SampleSitActionNPC - SitInstantly (sittable interactive) option
[NEW] SampleSitActionPopup - SitInstantly (sittable interactive) option
[NEW] SampleAnimReplacer - using the StickyAnimReplacer at runtime
[NEW] StickyAnimReplacer - add arrays or lists of anim clip sets via API
[NEW] StickyShapesModule - SetSpeechAudioStartTime
[NEW] StickyShapesModule - speechAudio onStopped events
[NEW] StickyZone - add arrays or lists of anim clip sets via API
[NEW] Improved walk animations for Amy and Kate
[NEW] StickyAnimEditor (experimental) - add IK curves directly to .anim files
[FIXED] SampleSitActionNPC - character not standing to full height on fast moving objects
[FIXED] SampleSitActionPopup - character not standing to full height on fast moving objects
[IMPROVED] StickyControlModule - look at interactive for fast moving objects
[IMPROVED] StickyControlModule - more reference frame debugging data
[IMPROVED] StickyControlModule - runtime StickyID visible in Debug Mode
[IMPROVED] StickyShapesModule - share fade wait interval for reduced GC
[IMPROVED] StickyInteractive - writeable objects use sensitivity

Play only segments of a speech audio clip. This helps avoid having to cut up audio clips into smaller segments and is a quick way to test in the editor how something would sound without the starting or ending words in a phrase. Yes, you can do this in Audacity but that means going out of the Unity Editor each time. This improves workflow.


Here is a little video about cut scene action blending like in Star Wars Outlaws. You could do something similar in your games using our assets.

Don’t forget to set Quality on youtube to HD.

Since filming the Cut Scene Blending video, we’ve made some quality-of-life updates to our 3rd person “Free Look” camera algorithm. This brings it in line with what you’d see in AAA games like Star Wars Outlaws.

We’ve also added some handy Copy and Paste buttons to allow you to adjust Camera and Focus Offset values at runtime, and then apply them back into the design-time editor settings.


Here is a revised version of my Sticky3D Controller characters at the office. Currently the female characters use similar walk animations but it’s making progress.

Don’t forget to set Quality on youtube to HD.