Still can't register...

What is going on? i mean i know the server may be taxed and all with the free registration, but it doesn’t bode well as a marketing ploy to get more people to this engine if they can’t register the software…
With a 5.5 million$ investment, you’d think you would spend some of that upgrading your server and/or your connection…

So I take it that thousands of others who are dling this software are not having this issue?

The error says:
The internet activation server returned an unknown error (12507). Press OK to manually activate your software. ID: ePAY : 16007 / WPSW : 767

Sooooo… any clue as to what is going on?

Yes my firewall is open all the way. No I have nothing else running that could be blocking my connection to anything.

Are you going therough a Proxy?

Have you tried restarting your PC?

I can bet that the activation servers are taking a battering, especially as the UK woke up to free Unity today.

I live in the UK and I got it registered first time not that long ago. Also, the UK had access in the afternoon yesterday.

I am not going through a proxy, and yup restarted. Maybe it’s just a US thing :wink: Figures. While the rest of the world gets to have greatness, Obamerica does not. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just had that error so I uninstalled unity, rebooted, and reinstalled,… then before activation, I made sure windows defender was not running in the sys tray.
And it worked.

Nope, reinstalling did not fix the issue, and I have no apps running that would block my connection to anything.

The problem was wih my dnscache.
If anyone else has problems registering the new 2.6 free Version, with the above error, here is how to fix that.
Goto a command prompt (Start>Run) type cmd and hit enter
In the Dos window type (without quotes) “net stop dnscache”

Once completed, rerun registration, and it will work.

Hope that helps anyone else.

Looks like dnscache is in the task manager too, under services. You could stop the service from there as well.

Stooooooopid Conficker Worm!!! :wink: It’s gone now though :wink:

I’ve been trying for 12 hours and still can’t register here. I had the trial installed previously. When I go through the reg process I get to a screen that says click the finish button, but the finish button is dimmed. I sent a license request to unity support but no response.yet. Tried on two different macs with the same result.


Wanted to say that i can’t register Unity either…

Tried a few times with anti-virus/firewall disabled etc. but didn’t work. any idea what i should try next? ( except reinstalling windows that is :wink: )

Edit: i’ve tried the “net stop dnscache” method mentioned above and it didn’t work. btw how can i manually register Unity? is there any post or tutorial about it?

Second Edit: I solved my problem. I used a proxy/tunnel software and registered Unity with it successfully. my guess is it had something to do with my IP or the region i’m in…


Just adding to this conversation that the license server is still running, and messages that people seem to be getting are really saying the server can’t complete the request because it is too busy.


It may be working on the windows side. But I have tried with several different macs on two different net connections with leopard and with snow and I continue get the the ID ePAY : 15002 / : 1425 server misconfiguration error after 100s of attempts.

Are you using Glimmer Blocker or any other proxy based Ad Blockers? Try deactivating them, then restart your mac. You should then be able to activate Unity. It worked in my case (I had the exact same error code before).


Thank you Darth Steff. Glimmer Blocker was the culprit. Up and running now.

My activation is sitting at "waiting for response from server… "

is this just that the servers are busy or something else. I worked fine on my laptop this morning but now on my desktop. Laptop Vista and Desktop is XP would that make any difference?


shouldn’t make a difference try all the different things people have mentioned on my macs they’ve work fine without a single problem.

Lol, I had a problem with my clock when registering. My battery needs to be replaced so every time I restart my computer says it is september 12 2007. Anywho, make sure your date is set right.

Hi guys.

I’m currently experiencing this same problem. Whenever I try to register unity with the online free registration, I get the following error.
ID: ePAY : 16007 / WPSW : 767

I’ve tried everything listed up in this forum and nothing seems to work. Any help would be appreciated.
