Still GI baking errors with large meshes

Hi guys.

I wanted to ask if somebody was able to bake some lightmaps for larger meshes / terrain. The meshes are of larger scale in our scene and the baking process is still hanging in 5/11 throwing errors all the time.

We get tons of:

"Clustering job failed for system: <memory adress?>"

error messages, but don’t know how to fix it. Anyone can tell if it is working for him?


Have you submitted an example via the bug reporter ? Could you share the bug # ?

Hey Alex.
Sure I did :slight_smile: Case 713910. Also with the scene to test it.

@ I’ve not heard anything from you guys for a week. Do you know if anything has improved in the latest beta build for GI baking? I tested 5.2.0b6 but hadn’t had any luck with it neither.

QA was looking into it, but looking at the bug it seems like it’s a bug prior to 5.2 (it was noted as 5.1.2 from the bug). Not the right forum for this discussion, so will move this. However, GI team will take a look.

No problem. I tested the scene also with nearly every 5.2 beta editor and the problem was always reproducable. I saw comments in other GI baking threads that 5.2 should fix some of the issues, that’s why I put it there.
Anyway, thanks for having a look into it!

Can you show that large mesh? or can you say the number of triangles?

Usually using a “large mesh”, is a mistake from start from many reasons.

Ah, sry, with “large mesh” I mean that its scaling is huge. We’re using 1 unit as 1 pixel (I’m not an artist, but I somewhere read that 1 unit should be 1 meter?) and have some scalings of several hundert units in our scene. I assume that there will be at some point errors due to the limit of floating point values, but I don’t think that we reached it with our scene.

I got an answer from the QA team to try again with 5.2.0f1 though and I’ll check it tomorrow if it happens again. Fingers crossed that they fixed the problem :slight_smile:

There is not such thing is 3D. In 3D you work with floats and that’s all. There is no direct conversion to meters.

Well, it’s actually in the manual: Unity - Manual: Rigidbody component reference though it’s for physic calculation:

Anyway, that was my guess that it may be related to that, good if I’m wrong and this scaling doesn’t apply to 3D models for lightmapping. I’m currently running the lightmapping process at home, so I can post an update at evening hopefully.

Again, there is no direct conversion to meters for vertices. Can be approximated by some calculations (for one kind of device and one resolution only), but only approximated, and not a exact value, resulted from computation. Eg, meter value is exact, comes from speed of light formula.

Unity is using that scale probable mostly for physics and maybe because is handy, ( can be 1 unit 1.15 meter with out any troubles).

I actually didn’t know that is official for Unity to consider 1 unit = 1 meter, so my apologies.

Oh, back to your trouble, are you using max GI cache?

Try to split the big mesh in a few more pieces?

A small update here:

I tried baking with the 5.2.0f1 version and I still got the errors on my home PC, where I run a 32 bit editor version. At work, I run the 64 bit editor version on a Mac and I don’t get any errors, but it hangs then at 7/11 “Lightmap Transportation”.

Set your ‘big mesh’ to use ‘very low resolution’ under advanced parameters for that object. It’s the only way I’ve been able to get those biggens to light.