(I use C#. (The master race of code.))
So, i’ve making another simple game since it’s been awhile since i’ve used Unity. And to put it simply, I’m actually having fun with it! However, I’ve searched the Documentation and Scripting API for a while now, and I still haven’t found a real good answer for a little problem I have. Maybe one of you coding deities could lend me a hand, or at least point me to a webpage, that would be awesome!.
This is the situation. I have a little cube named “Player”, and it moves forward at a set speed. I made the script in the only way I know how (because I’m still a n00b at C#), which is by getting the Rigidbody of the player and using Rigidbody.AddForce with the FixedUpdate function (I’ve been told that using FixedUpdate is good for physics code). The problem is, the cube lands on the ground, speeds up, but never slows down, until it reaches light-speed. For my game to actually be playable, I need the cube to just stop moving so fast and stop speeding up once it has reached a certain velocity, and stay at that velocity.
PS. This isn’t exactly necessary, but it would be neat to use. If any of you know how to disable a function, in my case my update function for movement, once a bool becomes true, that would be great to know as well.
Here’s the code :
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public Rigidbody rb;
public int playerMovementSpeed;
public int forwardSpeed;
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate () {
rb.AddForce (0, 0, forwardSpeed);
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.D)) {
rb.AddForce (playerMovementSpeed, 0, 0);
else if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.A)) {
rb.AddForce (-playerMovementSpeed, 0, 0);
// I want to put my " Stop-speeding up " code here.