Stop Animation From Playing On Character's Limb

Hello. I am using a character that is separated in several parts: Head, Torso, Upper Left Arm, Lower Left Arm, Upper Right Arm, Lower Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg and so on. This character was animated in Mixamo. I am wanting to implement removeable limbs. My initial thought do this was to stop the animation from playing on one the cut off piece and then use physics to control it from there. I cannot figure out how to stop it from playing on any of the individuals meshes though. Unparenting it from the character does not work and neither does setting the root bone of the Skinned Mesh renderer to null. I can delete the bone associated with the mesh, but the scaling and position then of the mesh is off. Any suggestions on how to approach this?


I’ve been looking into this, and although I haven’t tested it myself, I believe you’re looking for animator.Rebind().

Un-parent the limb, run the command, and the animator should discard it. I’m hoping it also allows reconnecting to the animation by re-parenting the limbs.