Stop camera from going through walls

I am using the third person controller standard asset from Unity as my playable character. My scene layout looks like a small office, so there are a lot of rooms and a lot of walls. When I run around with my character and I am standing with it’s back against the wall, the camera will show the other side of the wall.
I tried doing a couple of other solutions I have read on here but none of these seem to work.

The ones i tried are:

The second solution (the smoothfollowwithcamerabumper script) is doing what I want (I do have to uncheck the ThirdPersonCamera script component from the 3rd person controller), however turning around in the game is unbearable. one small click on the left arrow will make the character (with camera) INSTANTLY turn around 90° while it used to delay and smoothen out the camera, and the movement is just not right and playable at all. Also rotating 180° by clicking the up/down arrow is just not possible and will make the camera go all wild for some time.

I tried playing a bit with the parameters in the smooth script but this was no solution at all.

Does anyone know why this is happening? Thank you in advance.

put a small invisible collider around the camera so that it doesnt go into any other colliders.

I had the same isue and at first I had a character controller onto the camera and I made the traditions of the camera with the Move() method but this has problems when there is an object between the camera and the playr because the camera can stuck behind. So I have removed the controller and I make a recast from the player to the camera. If it hits something then i move the camera forward of the position that there is a collision. Another approach is to keep the character controller and make a ray cast from the camera towards the player. If it hits something use disable the collider and the camera does not stuck but sometimes you see thing through the mess. So I have chosen the approach that I mention earlier. play with whatever solution does the job for you