Stop momentum of a ball

Hello, well like the title says, I’m making a simple game, and I want to stop the momentum of a ball.

When I make the input to move the ball simply goes forward, and when it respawns the momentum stays in a loop, like “Portal” game, I did a research of how to do it and didn’t find anything useful

Here’s my code (C#):

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour 

	public float speed;
	private Vector3 spawn;

	void Start()
		spawn = transform.position; 

	void FixedUpdate()
		float moveHor = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
		float moveVert = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");

		Vector3 move = new Vector3 (moveHor,0.0f, moveVert);

		rigidbody.AddForce (move * speed * Time.deltaTime);

		if(transform.position.y <= -4)
			transform.position = spawn;


I did try the code

rigidbody.velocity =;
rigidbody.AddForce =;
rigidbody.angularDrag =;

I did try making more variables, and same results

It didn’t work

Thanks for reading

yes doing

rigidbody.velocity =;
rigidbody.angularVelocity =;

can fix it BUT here your input is adding force so make sure there is no input when it resets. You can also try disabling userInput for a couple of seconds after reset to see if it actually resets.