Well i thought a while on how to ask this question in the most simple way possible, as it could maybe help someone in the future and not just me
Here we go:
I have a script that moves my Player as long as I press the button “D”, the trick to it is that the player moves in “Squares” (so if he stops moving he got exactly 1/2/3/4/5 … “Squares” depending on how long you hold “D”)
That looks something like this:
public Vector3 pos;
public float walkingSpeed = 2.0f;
Start(){ pos = transform.position; }
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.D) && transform.position == pos) {
pos += Vector3.right;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, pos, Time.deltaTime * walkingSpeed);
Now I want to know a way to make him do the exact same thing, but instead of “D” I want a boolean to handle this. [This boolean is activated when the player “collides” with a trigger, it has nothing to do with any keys]
So if the boolean changes to false, he got exactly 1/2/3/4/5 … Sqaueres depending on how long the boolean was true.
(How) Can I do this?
Thanks for any help
(c# would be great but java examples are welcome as well)
Something like…
Void OnCollisionEnter()
// code to move your player here...
Untested an unformatted mainly because im answering this on my phone but hopefully it will point you in the right direction.
If you want it to activate on a collision trigger, then you need to use the appropriate method for that.
Note that this is untested code, but I think should work - or at least get you in the right direction.
// The key to check
private bool myKey = true;
void Update() {
// Add the key to the if statement
if (myKey && (transform.position == pos)) {
pos += Vector3.right;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, pos, Time.deltaTime * walkingSpeed);
// Triggers for when colliders touch
private void OnTriggerEnter (Collider col) {
// First, if you want, check if it's the correct collider item by name or tag
if (col.tag == "wall") {
// Set the key, which will stop movement in Update method
myKey = false;
// Triggers for when the colliders stop touching
private void OnTriggerExit (Collider col) {
// First, if you want, check if it's the correct collider item by name or tag
if (col.tag == "wall") {
// Set the key, which will continue movement in the Update method
myKey = true;
So I am soory if my question was a little confusing…
Any way I found a solution to my problem (might be a pretty bad one but it works in my case :D)
I allready knew how to check for trigger “collision” (i asked that a while ago :D) but my specific Problem was that the action I wanted to excecute as long as the boolean is true needed to be excecutet over and over in order to work, here is my solution:
public Vector3 pos;
Start() {pos = transform.position;}
Update() {
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.D) && transform.position == pos && move_index == 0) {
mainScript.toRight = true; //for the animation and the direction
onIceMovement = true;
ice_index = 1;
pos += Vector3.right;
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INDEX 1
if (mainScript.toRight && transform.position == pos && ice_index == 1)
pos += Vector3.right;
ice_index = 2;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INDEX 2
if (mainScript.toRight && transform.position == pos && allowDirectionRight && ice_index == 2)
onIceMovement = true;
mainScript.pos += Vector3.right;
ice_index = 1;
/////////////////////////////////////// COLLISION -> INDEX 0
if (mainScript.col_state_up && mainScript.toDown || mainScript.col_state_down && mainScript.toUp || mainScript.col_state_left && mainScript.toRight || mainScript.col_state_right&& mainScript.toLeft ) // this is basicly to stop him from moving as soon as he "collides"
ice_index = 0f;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, pos, Time.deltaTime * mainScript.walkingSpeed); //this is what needed to be excecutet over and over, together with mainScript.pos += Vector3.right
This is probably one of the worst answers you will ever see but I am not that good in explaining…
To summarize it:
I just made a kind of loop, because I always changed between two different if statements which would call each other in a way…
And as soon as the process should end, none of the if statement are called until it is startet aggain with the key
Aggain thanks for all the support, you simply have to love the unity community, you guys are great!