Stop Score From Adding?

How can I stop my score from adding temporally for a certain amount of seconds? My score system uses Time, but I’ve had too many problems with using Time.timeScale = 0, so I would like an answer that doesn’t involve that(unless it’s the only way). So how can I do this? EDIT: I’ve made changes to the script, the new one posted is not the same as it was before. Just a heads up to the people who read this before. Here’s my(New) script:

float playerScore = 0;
	public Font MyFont;
	public bool On = true;
	public bool Off = false;
	ControllerScript player;

	void Start()
		player = GetComponent<ControllerScript>();

	void Update () {
	  if(On == true && Off == false)
	    playerScore += Time.deltaTime;

	public void IncreaseScore(int amount)
		playerScore += amount;

	void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
		// If the colliding gameobject is Object...
		if(col.gameObject.tag == "Item1")
			On = false;
			Off = true;


	void OnDisable()
		PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Score", (int)(playerScore * 5));
		PlayerPrefs.SetString("PlayerName", "High Score");
		PlayerPrefs.Save ();
		Debug.Log("Saved, Yes!");

	void OnGUI()
	{ = MyFont;
		GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
		GUI.Label (new Rect(10, 10, 200, 30), "Score: " + (int)(playerScore * 5));

All I really need to know is how to stop it, I can manage the seconds part.

There are numerous ways to do this. One would be to create a bool that needs to be true so the script adds to the score. Then create a method that simply sets that bool to true. Now if you want the scoring to stop, set the bool to false and invoke (one single time! So not in Update, or at least check if that bool isn’t already true) the method that sets the bool to true again. When you invoke, you can set the amount of seconds you want to wait before the scoring continues again.

Another way would be using coroutines, but that requires some more reading to get into. It’s a good idea to look at coroutines sooner or later, though, because they can be really powerful to use.