I have a character with a sword as a child of his left hand (parent). I’ve added a Box Collider and Rigidbody to this sword (Is Trigger, Use Gravity, and Is Kinematic unticked) as I need it to react to collisions and other objects such as enemies.
The problem is that now that my sword has physical elements attached to it, it ‘collides’ with my character and distorts his running and rolling animations. This doesn’t happen when the Box Collider is unchecked, although I can’t identify why the Box Collider is doing this as my character has no Box Collider or Rigidbody himself. He does have a Character Controller, however. But yes, the Box Collider on the sword is what’s causing the problem.
I have tried to add a Fixed Joint component to my character’s left hand, making the sword the property of the Connected Body field - still no luck. Alternatively, perhaps turning off the sword’s physics while my character is running/rolling could be a solution, having it turned on only if he swings the sword? I’ve researched how to do this, but can’t seem to get that working either.
Can anyone identify why this is happening and/or provide a solution to the problem?
Many thanks for your time and support in advance.