Stoping character with Platformer Controller script attached. 2,5D ladder.

Hi. I want to make climbable ladder. I have code like that:

var ladder : Collider;
var onLadder = false; 

function OnTriggerStay (ladder) {
    if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0){
        onLadder = true;

function OnTriggerExit (ladder) {
    onLadder = false; 

function FixedUpdate(){
    if (onLadder){ 
        PlatformerControllerMovement.velocity =  Vector3.Slerp(PlatformerControllerMovement.velocity,, 1);
        PlatformerControllerMovement.gravity = 0;

But it doesn't work. I want to stop the character, but it only slows.

What should I do to stop the character imedietly?

The third parameter in Lerp/Slerp is a number from 0 to 1. In your code it is always 0, meaning it will always return the first parameter.