Hi guys,
I’m trying stop a creature from getting bigger and I’m not sure how to do it or fix the errors I’m getting. If anyone could help that would be fantastic and much appreciated.
var growth : GameObject;
var Value : float;
var scle;
var CsScript:Detonator;
var size: Transform;
function Awake(){
CsScript = this.GetComponent("Detonator");
size = growth.transform.lossyScale;
function Update () {
if(Time.timeScale == 1.0){ //if the game is paused or on the menu the horse won't move
if(size.position.x < 2){ //if the horse is still small enough
scle = Value/1000; //gives me a value i can work with
growth.transform.localScale += Vector3(scle,scle,scle);
//increases the size of the horse
Blow(); //explodes if it is too big
function OnGUI(){
if (MainCode.Attrib == true){
Value = GUI.HorizontalScrollbar (Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), Value, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0);
function Blow(){
The problem I keep getting is as follows:
Assets/Growth.js(10,33): BCE0022: Cannot convert ‘UnityEngine.Vector3’ to ‘UnityEngine.Transform’.