Hi there
Can you please let us know, how we can perform abrupt stoppage of animation in Mecanim?
In our case, we have a fighting scenario where opponent has started punching animation while hero has started kicking animation. In this instance, we want to stop the opponent’s punching animation and to play the falldown animation.
Currently we don’t see any API in the animator class to stop the animation? Can you please let us know how to achieve this?
Animator has speed value, setting it to 0 is the only way I could find out. Else you will need to play with blend trees probably
Once you set the speed value to zero then later while setting to different value currently stopped animation would be played from the previous stopped state. But is not going to be abruptly stopped.
In our case, suppose opponent is performing kick animation and we set the speed value to zero. And later when we perform falldown animation, half kick animation would be performed followed by the fall down animation.
Please let us know how to handle this scenario using Mecanim?