Store Details Missing!

Hi there,
I am set to release an app into the store. I set up my Ads account sometime ago and was just checking up on it, when I saw this, see pic.

So, I went to “Add details”. It asked for my Application ID. (*It should be noted my app is in store, but removed from sale until further notice.) I entered the Apple ID for the app and was told it could not be found. So, selected, “Not Yet Published” and I entered the name of the app.

There are “No Campaigns” live.

Why I am writing is because, once the app goes live, is everything in order?

Thank you

You app needs to currently be available for download through the App Store before you can add store details.

So, you’re in good order. After you release your app, go ahead and return to this and enter store details at that time.

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Thank you.

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