Storing different scripts into a list iterating issue

I am working on a safe system for my game,
I store all scripts that need data saved to a list so when the player calls a save I can iterate trough the scripts that have a OnSaveGame function.

private var SavableScripts : List.<MonoBehaviour> = new List.<MonoBehaviour>();

public function SaveNewGame()  : void
	for ( var i : MonoBehaviour in SavableScripts );

	// 2do hide saving icon

I have plenty of these kind of for loops but this one returns the compile error:

Assets/5_scripts/1 game_global/SaveManager.js(7,17): BCE0005: Unknown identifier: ‘i’.

You have a semicolon after your loop clause. That’s the problem.

I don’t know why the error says “Unknown identifier: ‘i’”, but the problem might be that MonoBehaviour just does not have a function named “OnSaveGame”.

You might either send a message to the game object instead:

SendMessage(i.gameObject, "OnSaveGame");

But this will be delivered to every component on the same gameObject as well - not only to the registered script.

So maybe its better you define an interface that contains the OnSaveGame function and cast i to that interface.

public interface ISaveGame {
    function OnSaveGame();


(i as ISaveGame).OnSaveGame();