Storing Transforms On Awake, is this the best way?

Hello people, I have a question which can be related to script optimization. So, in the game, I have a one huge scene. Lets say that gameplay takes up to 30-45 mins. So I created a Level Manager by using Singleton Method, in order to use on the further scenes. The thing is, I have a lot of gameplay scripts, interactions, puzzles, animations, switches etc. I also have a lot of transform hierarchy on my player like camera animator, hand animator, the object that holds the camera script, the camera itself(object with the camera component and image effects) and a lot more like this. As I said, I have a lot of gameplay scripts that need to reach to these game objects on the player. For example, player is able to interact with a lever, when interacted, a script comes in, reaches the stored script called IS_CameraScript, disables it, reaches to the stored game object called “CameraScript” which holds the IS_CameraScript, and lerps the rotation of the object to a certain value, and then reaches to hand object which has Animator on it and plays the hand animations on the lever. So, I have lots of interactions like that. To achieve those, I scripted my storing like this :

IS_LevelManager code, has singleton method on it.

   private Transform t_Player;
    private Transform t_PlayerHolder;
    private Transform t_PlayerCamera;
    private Transform t_PlayerChildReference;
    private Transform t_PlayerChildRefCrouch;
    private Transform t_CameraHolder;
    private Transform t_CameraScript;
    private Transform t_CameraBaseParent;
    private Transform t_CameraAnimator;

    // Below these I have Property Methods, I didn't write all of them over here to prevent the code to be messy, but all of those private Transforms has public property methods like the one below.

    public Transform T_Player
        get { return t_Player; }

    void Awake()


    public void RegisterObjects()
        //Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
        t_Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
        t_PlayerHolder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerHolder").transform;
        t_PlayerCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerCamera").transform;
        t_PlayerChildReference = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerChildRef").transform;
        t_PlayerChildRefCrouch = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerChildRefCrouch").transform;
        t_CameraHolder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CameraHolder").transform;
        t_CameraScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CameraScript").transform;
        t_CameraBaseParent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CameraBaseParent").transform;
        t_CameraAnimator = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CameraAnimator").transform;
        t_Legs = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerLegs").transform;
        cc_Controller = t_Player.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        IS_PlayerController = t_Player.GetComponent<IS_PlayerController>();
        IS_CameraController = t_CameraScript.GetComponent<IS_CameraController>();
        IS_BobManager = t_CameraHolder.GetComponent<IS_BobManager>();
        //IS_ObtainableItem = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ItemManager").GetComponent<IS_ObtainableItem>();
        //IS_WheelInventoryNavigation = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("InventoryCanvas").GetComponent<IS_WheelInventoryNavigation>();
        v3_PlayerVelocity = cc_Controller.velocity;
        cam_Player = t_PlayerCamera.GetComponent<Camera>();

So as you can see, I am storing the transforms like this. When I want to reach & use them, I do this:

One of the gameplay scripts:

private Transform t_Player;

void Start()
t_Player = IS_LevelManager.instance.T_Player;

void MovePlayer()
t_Player.position = ......

So what I am asking is, is this the right way to do what I need to do? Is there any better way, I believe like using GameObject.Find… is a very slow way, but since I am doing it on the Awake I wouldn’t have much of a problem, but I am still not really sure. Thanks :slight_smile:

Ouch … As you said, the functions which find or get components are quite slow …

Why don’t you use public fields and drag & drop your elements inside the inspector ? If you don’t want public fields, add a private set to your properties, and add the tag [SerializeField] above the property name to be able to see it in the inspector.

For many of these, you can probably use a much smaller search space. Isn’t playerHolder just player.parent? Or a small loop up through parents? Is PlayerLegs just “player.Find(“legs”)”, or a search through player children of some some?

But, yes, Inspector vars make this easier. No searching at all, and any NULL values stick right out (of course, you could have the code above print descriptive errors on NULL.)

And then, for things you rarely use, I find I get fewer errors not saving a link. Just do a quick search only when I need it. That way, everything is in one place.